Keep in mind that this will disable your ability to acquire some achievements. To unlock an AK-47, knife, Molotov Cocktails, pistol, RPG, sniper rifle and Uzi, insert the following number into your cell phone: (486)-555-0150. If you want to give him health, fresh armor and refill all ammunition, insert this number instead: (482)-555-0100. To refill Niko's health and to give him some fresh armor, insert the following number into your cell phone: (362)-555-0100. Spawn CarsĪny time you're outside, break out your cell phone and insert the following phone numbers to unlock the vehicles listed. To randomly change the weather and time of day, break out your cell phone and insert the following number: (468)-555-0100.
To add stars to Niko's wanted level, insert this number instead: (267)-555-0150. To get rid of Niko's wanted level, insert the following number into your cell phone: (267)-555-0100. Head to the internet café (or wherever you can access the internet) and insert the URL If inserted properly, you'll be brought to an in-game message board containing maps of secret locations in the game.
Grand theft auto v cheats for playstation 3 free#
If you get his friendship level up to 60%, you can call Roman and he'll send you a free cab to use anywhere in the city. Roman - Roman likes to go bowling, play darts, go drinking, eat, play billiards, go to shows and to strip clubs. If you get his friendship level up to 75%, you can call Packie and he'll make you a potent car bomb that you can use as you need it. Packie - Packie likes to go to strip clubs and shows, play darts, drink, bowl and play billiards.
Grand theft auto v cheats for playstation 3 full#
If you get his friendship level up to 70%, you can call Little Jacob and he'll drive a car to your location full of guns that you can purchase from him. Little Jacob - Little Jacob likes to play darts, go to shows, play billiards, drink, eat, and go to strip clubs. If you get his friendship level up to 60%, you can call Dwayne and he'll send you a car full of gang members that will follow you and help you out as you need them. If you get his friendship level up to 70%, you can call Brucie and he'll dispatch a helicopter to your location, allowing you to utilize it as you'd like.ĭwayne - Dwayne likes to go to strip clubs, eat, drink, go to shows and bowl. To unlock the perks of friendship with any given person below, reach the friendship level listed.īrucie - Brucie likes to bowl, drink, eat, go to strip clubs, shows, helirides and boating. As long as you reach this menu, then you won’t have to worry about the cops chasing you once you go back outside. You don’t even have to actually save – you can just access the save menu and then cancel out. No matter the extent of your wanted level, if you can make it back to one of your safe houses and go to your bed to save, the cops will be automatically called off.